Saturday, March 23, 2013

You Need Back-Up

I have a migraine.  It's on the way out thanks to a ridiculous amount of rest this afternoon and more than the normal dosing of medication.  Today generic lost to brand name.  It was kind of pitiful.  I finally crawled under the covers of the bed with my clothes and make-up on and fell asleep like it wasn't 1:00 in the early afternoon.  I had a roommate once who used to come back to the dorm in the middle of the day and just slip right out of her clothes, crawl right into her all-ready-used pjs and get under the covers of a still unmade bed.  I always thought that strange.  Now here I am.  Life comes around full-circle.

Today, Ray ended up taking All-Star to the soccer game so that I could conk out; what a lifesaver.

But when you think about it, we all need someone to help pitch in.
Do you have someone?
A mom to call?  A spouse?  A best friend?

God orchestrated so much of our lives to be built in community.  Even if we could manage on our own, it's not how it was meant to be.  There are so many verses about how we are connect -- as the body of Christ, as branches of the vine, and so many verses mentioning "one another."

Let us not give up meeting together, 
as some are in the habit of doing, 
but let us encourage one another
-- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
 Hebrew 10:25

 So let's take a minute.  Can you name three people who you could call in a pinch to help out -- no matter if it's the middle of the work day or the middle of the night?  

There's a gal I know who has some significant, recurrent health issues that land her in the hospital frequently.  As I write this, it's looking like she might be headed there again.  Sometimes I'm just amazed at how strong she can be.  She's headed in for surgery and she shoots an email to her son's soccer team parents and asks who will take her son to practice, who can bring him back to her mom's house?  And people step up to help!  Don't assume no one would step up.  If you have a girlfriend at work, and you get in a bind -- just ask.  People can be surprising with how well they'll pitch in if they know you need help.  But they can't help if they don't know.  It starts with you.

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