Friday, February 27, 2015

A Hundred Things . . . {the sin of prolonging}

I have a hundred things rolling around in my head.
Have you ever felt that way?
As in The Screwtape Letters I have a common vice that occurs when I feel God is prompting me in a number of directions, thoughts, ideas -- when I know I need to sit down a work it all out, pray deeply to hear his deep, sweet voice, and discern what it is what He's trying to stir so gently within me.  Instead of obedience, it's as though another voice whispers within me and says, "this is too important to do when you're not entirely focused.  Let's save this for LATER when you can devote all your attention to it."  And then later amazing stalls it's way into the distance.  It's a clever tactic that the Enemy has effectively used on me time and time again.  In my busyness I don't think about what's playing out before me.  Months will go by and I'm being disobedient to God.  

I want to *sigh* with exasperation at myself, but the truth is that lately, my life group has been reading The Story.  Do you know the one I'm talk about?
The Story looks at the major stories of the Bible from the beginning to the end.  And one thing that is so super clear when you go through the whole Bible instead of doing long in depth studies on small passages is that you get a clear sense of God's voice, God's holiness, and God's heart.

It breaks my heart that I fail him when he's been working since creation to be so intimately close to me.  How astonishing to me that I would put off speaking with the One with whom my heart years?

Do you do this, too?
Do you think things like -- God knows what's going on.  I don't have to tell him.  or  I really want to spend some time with God but these 5 minutes aren't enough, later I'll have REAL time to sit and pray, so I'll do it then . . .

My sweet friends, please don't be coerced into staying staying away from your heart's truest love.

Sometimes our lives feel like they are getting off track and it's because our hearts are not in line with His.  We might be going to church each week, hanging out with Christian friends, but not truly being intimate with the One with whom our heart was made to love.  If you're feeling like this is you, just stop where you are and tell Him how much you love him.

Father God, 
How amazing it is that you love me in spite of myself.
Please forgive me for not valuing our relationship lately
enough to make our time more of a priority.  Help me to 
talk to you constantly throughout the day because I know
that each moment is holy and significant when You are in it.
I love you.

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